Thursday, February 15, 2018


I don’t have any great way to explain what has happened with Gav and I, but for the last two weeks riding has been nothing but joyful. I actually have to force myself to stop bc... ya know... pony might be super, but he still gets tired.
His cookie face

I credit the following:
- switching from Dressage whip to spurs (steadier in contact, more association of go with legs)
- switching to the baucher (same bit as Jen and Connor @cobjockey)
- that badass lesson I had two weeks ago where I learned contact can be like holding hands for horse and rider
Second Saturday conformation pic for February (on top), January (on bottom)

Even my warmups haven’t been sucking. Idk - I feel like Gav and I have crossed into a new level of communication.

Also, if you’re looking for inspiration read The Alchemist! I just read it and my one thought throughout was my love of being with and pursuing excellence with horses.


  1. You and I have made the opposite switch. I've ditched my spurs for a dressage whip lol

    1. Maybe you've got steadier/more dexterous hands. I'm like a drunk grandma! ;)
