Friday, September 16, 2016

25 Things About Me - The Worst Blogger in the WORLD!

I realize it's a little bit odd that I'm blogging again from my old blog. Especially since I've taken a reallllly long hiatus from writing (though not at all from reading).  I'm turning Warrior Pony into an actual business venture, but was sad to not have a blog anymore, so I'm re-appropriating this one!  :)  I loved reading Emma's 25 things about her, so I figured I'd follow suit (though I'm too lazy to go mine for the most bad ass gifs available)

I'm happiest when.... I have goals I'm working towards.  Horses are great for this.

... Especially if .... the goals are at least mildly attainable

I've always wanted to.... to sail down the Nile.  Not sure why.  It just sounds so exotic.

My family and I....  are a bunch of oversharers

I was a terrible.... girlfriend in my teens... (wandering eye and what not)

My first job was....  Gourmet PIZZA girl!  I worked pizza for many years and loved it!

I could probably eat..... a whole Snickers bar right at this very moment, but I won't... because I don't have one available to me... and I'm too lazy to leave this couch, let alone my house

I stole.... a pen from a coworker one time.  She had the same kind of pen as me and mine went missing.  I actually stalked her desk, realized she didn't use the pen, and took it.  I  believe this to be one of the crappiest things I've done as an adult.  It haunts me.

I was born on the same day as.... my ex-boyfriend's ex-girlfriend, his sister, his cousin, and his nephew.  Creepy?  A little.

My all time favorite movie is....  Oh shit... I don't know.  Moonstruck?  Spaceballs? 

I do a pretty mean.... impression of Bane from Batman.

I'm still mad.... at nothing.  I just can't stay angry.

I always knew I wanted a.... pretty pretty pony

I'm not afraid to.... swear in front of my own mother.  She hears the f-bomb on the regular.

I make the best.... financial decisions! (laaaaame)  As an accountant by profession, I think this is important and suits me!

I have almost no....
filter when it comes to sharing details about my life, BUT I have a pretty serious filter when it comes to saying things that would hurt others. 

I always cry when.... I listen to Les Mis.  I grew up listening to it, and now it just breaks my heart.  Damn you Fontine, damn you Eponine.  Why do your stories have to be so brutal and pure?

I'm (now) an.... owner of a three year old helmet. But I think.... I might splurge and buy a new one tomorrow during the sales

I spent 8 years.... thinking wrong about forward, contact, hands, etc.  I blame modern dressage.  Retraining myself is turning out to be a pretty serious bitch.

I wish my folks.... lived closer to me.  My mom and stepdad live about 4 hours away, and it's just too far for me (a total momma's girl!)

At 5 I was deeply in love with.... animals.  This continues to be true.

I believe if everyone.... in America could just give me a dollar, JUST ONE DOLLAR - I'd be able to retire early!  How 'bout it internet?

I can't stand....  headaches, which I get chronically and am currently in the process of developing. 


  1. Love these question type things, thanks for sharing!
    Best of luck with the Warrior Pony business venture - hope it helps you retire (before last point) 😆

    1. I can say with almost certainty that it will NOT help the retirement goals, but will help with some of the boredom issues :) but you never know! ;)

  2. Replies
    1. Yes, as seen originally on the fabulous L. Williams blog ;)

  3. Oooh sailing the Nile!!!! Also now we need video proof of your Bane impression lol
