Saturday, March 1, 2014

The Doctor and the Insecurity Fairy

So Gav had a vet appointment this Friday to have his teeth floated, sheath cleaned, and spring shots given.  Poor guy was soooo drunk from the sedative.  He had his hind legs crossed like a princess through the whole procedure.  Don't worry, this wasn't some sort of emergency equine-dental procedure; it was just your normal, once-a-year teeth grinding.  I am lucky enough to have a vet who will explain literally everything to me if I ask him.  He even explains stuff when I don't ask him.  So I got to peer into my horse's gaping mouth and even feel some sharp edges on his super-wide horsey molars (the before and after).  Ouch!  I'd complain too if I were him; those suckers were sharp!

Gavin -- stoned

We also got to deal with the delicate issue of sheath cleaning, and my vet had to tell me that I should clip his nether region of all long hair.  It was too awkward - I had to break the awkwardness with an inappropriate joke about modern hairstyles in the gelding groin area.  Dr. Turner warned that Gavin may not appreciate being waxed ;) Thank god he found humor in the subject.  Otherwise, I would've just looked like some sort of horse pervert.

Finally, his shots were given and the vet left me with one very sedate pony.  While I had him in this agreeable mood I decided to pull his mane (something he absolutely detests).  What a joy to pull a horse's mane that isn't flailing his body about like he's dying.  It was great.

Gavin -- perfect attitude for mane pulling
While I was pulling I had a curious boarder come talk to me about why I was pulling my horse's mane.  She asked if I was planning on showing and I told her that yes I was.  She then told me which shows she would go to and that I shouldn't worry because they were "easy" ones.  Easy shows.  Phew - well, that really put my mind at ease, because I was worried before then that we weren't up to the task.  Wait a minute - NO I WASN'T.  But suddenly - I was/am worried.  Why would this lady say that (besides being socially impaired)?  Are we simply not good enough for bigger shows?

I like to think of myself as not delusional when it comes to my abilities or my horse's.  I was (am) going to show him at training level.  All of the movements (ha movements - circles at the walk/trot/canter) are things we already do.  It's not like I'm going to be showing him third level with not a clue of what I'm in for.  So why not aim high?  Why not go to high prairie (colorado horse park... I can't get used to the name)?  Would we get our asses handed to us by girls who train twice a week, and ride six days a week - it's likely.  But why not put ourselves out there for it?  Am I delusional?  It just threw me (like Gavin did last year on that trail ride).

I need a lesson and start getting back to really riding with some focus.  Gavin's injury, the bad weather, and now this lady have really put me off my game.  But at least his teeth are in good shape, his sheath has been cleaned so that it sparkles in the sun (hahahaha... gross), and he has all his shots for the spring.  That means I'm all ready to get ready for our shows (easy or not so easy).  

I'll leave with something a strong competitor supposedly once said (I don't ever totally trust Pinterest quotes even though I'm totally addicted to them):


  1. people. I can't even count the number of times I have heard demeaning comments from other horse enthusiasts. Half the time I don't believe that they even know how some things they say, come across. I would "check the box" that this person didn't realize what he/she said. Don't take it to heart. If this person did mean it in a derogatory way, that likely means that this person feels like she needs to put you down, AKA they feel threatened (because you rock) ;)

    1. Jessica - thanks for reading my blog! :) And you're right - horse people are the best at making little jabs, but you're also right in that she either didn't mean it that way, or that even if she did I shouldn't take it to heart.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Just found your blog, looking forward to reading mroe!

    1. Thanks for reading!! :) I've just come upon this whole community of equine bloggers and it's great, inspiring, encouraging, and entertaining - I just figured I'd add my voice. :)

  4. I am again late to the party, but agree with Jessica - sounds like someone be jelly of your mad skillz.
    PS I almost snorked at your horse pervert & sheath cleaning jokes (aside-I'm so glad I own mares) - although horse pervert has reminded me of Bridget Jones & titspervert/fitzherbert...ah funny film

    1. mr. titspervert, titspervert... FITZHERBERT!

      God I love that movie. :D
