Watching us progress IS fun, but the cost of that progress is free time (and spending money -- my god I've spent a fortune on horse stuff in the past two months).
I feel a bit lost. I had an unposted page attached to this blog that lists in detail my goals with Gavin. Part of those goals is getting to FEI. Now, I'm just not so sure. I'm not saying it isn't what I want - believe me, I love watching Gav get better, stronger, more flexible; I just don't know if I'm willing to pay the price (in time and money). I also want to trail ride with Gavin, I want to jump with Gavin, I want to do a pair pace with him, and a fox hunt! I want a variety of experiences with him. And the whole time I want us to improve. To develop as a team. If dressage just means training, than dressage should help us to accomplish these goals - by making Gav more attentive to me, more fit, more elastic. But I don't know if I want dressage to be the end all, be all, of Gavin and I.
And though I want all of these experiences with Gav, they are not the ONLY experiences I want - I want to watch my dog trot along in front of me with a big ole smile on his puggy face because he loves walks at the park so much, I want time (and money) to travel with, have fancy dinners with, and go to interesting shows with my boyfriend. I want to occasionally indulge in my other money-spending venture: clothing. I want. I want. I want. And sadly I have limited resources and limited time. This means I don't get everything I want, which means I have to prioritize... and I'm having a hard time doing it.
Pity party rant over.