I am absolutely appalled by another blogger's comments on someone's blog that got posted today. Absolutely appalled. She doesn't read my blog, and thus I'm sure won't be reading this. But, I'm disgusted. I'm not going to comment on her comment, because it would be rude to the blog owner to start a fight. But I have to say that it shocks me that a horse owner could be so callous to the sanctity of animal life.
When you end an animal's life for an inconvenience, you may have ended your inconenience for the day, but you have ended that animal's life FOREVER. Forever might be a hard concept for some people, but you have taken away the biggest blessing any living creature has been given - LIFE. I would expect a rational person to understand that there are alternatives to killing something when you don't like it's behavior.
I grew up in a community that thought nothing of killing animals (cats, small dogs, etc.) simply for trespassing. Yeh, like an animal can comprehend property lines. It drives me nuts, and so this comment really hit a sensitive spot on me. I'm an animal lover, and I believe that life is precious (my life and others). If anyone (human or animal) is going to die - it better be for a damn good reason, and not for a little indiscretion.
Rant over.
Tuesday, December 9, 2014
Sunday, December 7, 2014
Buy My Stuff!
Okay - I have a few things to sell. If anyone wants them just let me know! I assume most of it will take ~$5-8 to ship. I have a paypal account, and can issue invoices etc if you're interested. Just email me at erika.dehmel(at)gmail.com with any questions.
First up - an unused quarter sheet. Someone gave it to me, and I've never used it, but it's been sitting in my tack trunk, so it doesn't look brand new. Someone hand wrote 78-80 on it, so I'm assuming that's the size you can expect. It's polartec fleece, and is a pretty purple. :) $15
Next in line is this wonderful, pre-loved grooming tote. :-D Just what it sounds like, it has two straps to make it easily portable, and has what appears to be a water-proof bottom. Used thoroughly by moi, so ya know, it looks a little beat up. Selling for $5.
Rope halter with attached lead rope - in fancy purple, pink, and white ;) Bought last summer, and used for a few months until I went back to ole faithful (Gavin's leather halter). $10.
Stubben web reins with leather stoppers. Used by me, and currently in use by my friend. Great reins - just don't use them anymore! $30.
Romfh grey vest - small - never worn. Always wanted a vest, and then never wore it. It's been hanging out with my other horsey clothes, so I wouldn't call it pristine, but it's seriously never been used. $15
And finally, black, full synthetic seat breeches by ovation. 30 regular, but they run small! No zipper, just pull on. Ankles are also elastic. I will admit that I don't find these breeches to be comfortable, but to each their own - which is why I'm selling them. You want them, you got 'em -$15.
Picture for Cara:
First up - an unused quarter sheet. Someone gave it to me, and I've never used it, but it's been sitting in my tack trunk, so it doesn't look brand new. Someone hand wrote 78-80 on it, so I'm assuming that's the size you can expect. It's polartec fleece, and is a pretty purple. :) $15
Rope halter with attached lead rope - in fancy purple, pink, and white ;) Bought last summer, and used for a few months until I went back to ole faithful (Gavin's leather halter). $10.
Stubben web reins with leather stoppers. Used by me, and currently in use by my friend. Great reins - just don't use them anymore! $30.
Romfh grey vest - small - never worn. Always wanted a vest, and then never wore it. It's been hanging out with my other horsey clothes, so I wouldn't call it pristine, but it's seriously never been used. $15
And finally, black, full synthetic seat breeches by ovation. 30 regular, but they run small! No zipper, just pull on. Ankles are also elastic. I will admit that I don't find these breeches to be comfortable, but to each their own - which is why I'm selling them. You want them, you got 'em -$15.
Picture for Cara:
Saturday, December 6, 2014
EquestrIan Journey Hop: What won't you do?
On this horseless night, I decided to join in on this interesting blog hop from Equestrian Journey:
"We all like to share on our blogs what we do with our horses and what we would like to do, but I want to know what you will NOT do. For example I will not carry a bag of feed into the middle of a herd of horses, especially if I don't know some of them. I will not teach my horse to rear on purpose. I will not ride my horse into a field full of loose horses that could kick me in the leg and break it. Things like that. I look forward to hearing what you have to share!"
horse porn - velvety soft muzzle ;) |
Well, until last night I would NOT wash Gavin's disgusting, greasy sheath (yeh, thats right - my horse has hygiene issues… ick!!). I still haven't done it, but I need to and I'm committed to it because it's gross, he's obviously uncomfortable, and I can't afford to pay the vet to come out for a special trip. So check that off the list ;)
This greasy guy here has issues down south… grrrrroooossssss! |
So - on with the list of things I won't do.
2. I will not own a horse that scares me, and I won't put myself in a position with my horse that scares me. It isn't worth it to me. If I'm scared, it means I'm not ready. <-- because I'm scaredy-cat this means I wind up not doing a lot of things, including: trail ride alone, jump alone… you get it! I like the buddy system!
3. This is a strange one - but I WON'T allow my dog off-leash around my horse. Since I've changed barns it isn't even an option as my poor puppy isn't allowed out. But regardless it's a safety thing for all of us. I don't want my dog doing something doggish, freaking my horse out, who accidentally hurts me, himself, or my dog. None of those options would be cool at all with me. I realize some dogs are my horse-savvy. This only relates to my dog.
Save me from myself!!!! |
4. I will not stand for abuse. In the past I've witnessed people doing things to horses that should not be done (tacks on the outside of cavalettis or jumps, jumping off a horse after a little spook to beat the shit out of them, hitting a horse in the face with your lead rope for no obvious offense). I stood by, and said nothing. Not anymore. If I feel that someone has crossed the line, I'll say something.
And that's it! Those are honestly the only things I can think of that I WON'T do. :) I like the list, actually!
Sunday, November 30, 2014
Canter Part 3 and Photos Galore!
I wound up traveling over Thanksgiving to see my family - it was wonderful, but it means I haven't ridden or written since Wednesday - YIKES!
I had a really good ride on Wednesday. I decided ahead of time that I was going to work on the canter transition on the lunge line with my willing and helpful riding partner, Laura. We warmed up on our own, walk/trot/canter, and I have to admit - he was pretty good with transitions, but since my main focus right now is sharpening the transition between trot and canter, I don't want it to be "pretty good" I want it good, or even great!
I also bought a new lens for my camera, and so we got some pictures of our warm up and lunging.
What does this picture say to me? To me he's pretty engaged and working from his butt, but he isn't really through. I feel like I'm blocking his motion right at his shoulders. I need to bend my elbows, pull my shoulders back (which I think would help me pull my chin back), and put my heels down!
I like this picture of Gavin and I. I'm not screwing so much with his front shoulder action in this one, and you can tell! He's extending more and appears more connected from back to front. I still need to put my heels down, but my elbows look much better!
We got to work cantering. I made it my mission to prep him. I'd say 1, 2, 3 and then kiss while asking for the canter. While I was saying 1, 2, 3 I was bumping him with my inside leg. He picked up the canter easily both directions. In the picture you can see that my heels are down and I'm holding the whip in both hands. I couldn't figure out what to do with my hands, but I wanted to work on bending my elbows and keeping those damn heels down! The hands still need to be a smidge higher in my opinion, but I think it's an improvement to what you see in the first riding pic.
I didn't want to drill him in the canter, but I wanted to make sure he picked up the canter easily and didn't break to the trot. Gavin believes it's my job to keep his engine revved in the canter. And it's not, and I don't want it to be - he's not a baby horse anymore, and I'm lazy! ;) So while lunging I stopped asking every four strides for the canter. I went along like a happy passenger with my seat, but I allowed him to break to the trot. When he broke (which he did twice), I'd swat him and kiss. Then I'd do a few more circles and then ask for the trot. All of this was done with tons of petting and praise when he was doing a good job, which was the majority of the time.
I need to clip this beastie! :)
I just want to say thank you to all of you who have given me such thoughtful and useful advice for the canter. I have tried everything everyone has suggested with definite success. Just trying new things has helped me immensely. Jodi from Racing to Ride suggested I leg yield and then ask when I hit the wall - this has been a very successful technique and also taught me how important it is for him to be soft to the inside aids to pick-up the canter.
I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving, or a great weekend (in case you don't live in the states - Aoife!)
I've been abandoned! |
I also bought a new lens for my camera, and so we got some pictures of our warm up and lunging.
Check out that left hind! |
Nice heels baby! |
Chicken wings! ;) - Whatev! I like how hard Gavin is trying in this, look at his ears!! |
Documenting the foam on his chest! |
I just want to say thank you to all of you who have given me such thoughtful and useful advice for the canter. I have tried everything everyone has suggested with definite success. Just trying new things has helped me immensely. Jodi from Racing to Ride suggested I leg yield and then ask when I hit the wall - this has been a very successful technique and also taught me how important it is for him to be soft to the inside aids to pick-up the canter.
Gavin watching his partner in crime getting lunged |
Wednesday, November 26, 2014
Saturday, November 22, 2014
The Canter Continued, and Actual Fun Stuff
I listened to the great advice about the canter. Get the trot right and then ask for the canter. If he starts running, bring him back to a good trot and ask again. The first night I did this it worked like a charm. I found that by prepping him loads he responded by answering me promptly. And I thought - voila! I have found my solution! And it was so easy! I should have already been doing this, but I can occasionally be an asshole who doesn't think about these things and I don't have enough money currently to get a trainer to remind me. The next night I came out to this friendly face. And though he's friendly - he's also a combination of lazy and wiley!
Who you calling lazy and wiley, lady?!?! |
Laura with lazy and her boy, Sterling |
Gavin after the ass-kicking, note he's still alive and well ;) |
After our ride we took the boys on their first trail ride from the barn. We hand-walked them to the trailhead and then got on. Gavin's size is perfect for getting on and off from the ground (though I try not to for the sake of his back). So a few times that the boys deemed too scary to move I did get off to be the brave leader ;) It worked out really well, and they were great!
happy trails! |
Sunday, November 16, 2014
New Bit, Lazy Pony (seeking advice)
Recently I purchased a new bit. I've always been a french link snaffle kinda gal. I'm just not that creative when it comes to bits, and also I'm afraid to use different bits as a crutch, or overbit my horse. But I wanted something new, for some specific reasons that I thought were reasonable and justifiable.
This bit is different from Gavin's old bit in that it's an eggbutt rather than a loose ring, it has a differently shaped link in the middle, it's thicker in general, and it's made of aurigan (some metal HS created), which is supposed to help them get all slobbery.
I wanted a fixed ring bit as it helps to stabilize contact and take out a little of the rider's "noise". I don't think I'm a "loud" rider with my hands, but I wouldn't call them quiet either.
I also wanted a material to make him salivate more. I realize salivation comes from bit acceptance, but I also think salivation helps with bit acceptance (a little bit of the ole chicken and the egg scenario there). My thought being if he salivates more, he may come to accept the bit more.
Based on these wants, I bought the Herm Sprenger dynamic aurigan eggbutt bit. What a mouthful, huh?! I've ridden Gavin in it twice and he is definitely steadier into contact. This is especially noticeable on the straight aways, where he likes to pop up and take off. It's harder to keep him on the bit when I'm not also asking for bend, but he seems happy to work into it now. He is also salivating more. I know this because every time we take walk breaks I'm leaning over to check his mouth (horse people are weird…) ;)
This is also a milder bit. I didn't realize how thin his other bit was until comparing it to the new one. The change has got to feel better on his lips. Though I'm unsure of the height of his palate, he doesn't seem uncomfortable - so I don't think it's too big for his mouth.
So yes, I'm happy with the bit! And that was my criteria for keeping it. I wasn't going to keep it if it was just okay, and he went about the same in it. That wouldn't make sense - as I nearly wiped out my monthly spending money on this thing.
On another, slightly embarrassing note - I have the hardest time getting Gavin to transition from trot to canter. He almost always (95% of the time) runs into the canter. I try to prepare him better, I balance him, I get him feeling more forward, then I say "ready?…", I sit, I ask and kiss at the same time. He always takes between 2-4 strides of fast trot before cantering and before I'm able to think to give him a tap with the whip (tap sounds so much sweeter than spank) my legs are all tensed and curled up and I'm just squeezing the hell out of him and looking like a jockey. I know I need to ask with my legs and then ask with the whip (and not move my legs out of position), but I have a hell of a time remembering. Anyone have any suggestions?
This bit is different from Gavin's old bit in that it's an eggbutt rather than a loose ring, it has a differently shaped link in the middle, it's thicker in general, and it's made of aurigan (some metal HS created), which is supposed to help them get all slobbery.
I wanted a fixed ring bit as it helps to stabilize contact and take out a little of the rider's "noise". I don't think I'm a "loud" rider with my hands, but I wouldn't call them quiet either.
I also wanted a material to make him salivate more. I realize salivation comes from bit acceptance, but I also think salivation helps with bit acceptance (a little bit of the ole chicken and the egg scenario there). My thought being if he salivates more, he may come to accept the bit more.
Based on these wants, I bought the Herm Sprenger dynamic aurigan eggbutt bit. What a mouthful, huh?! I've ridden Gavin in it twice and he is definitely steadier into contact. This is especially noticeable on the straight aways, where he likes to pop up and take off. It's harder to keep him on the bit when I'm not also asking for bend, but he seems happy to work into it now. He is also salivating more. I know this because every time we take walk breaks I'm leaning over to check his mouth (horse people are weird…) ;)
This is also a milder bit. I didn't realize how thin his other bit was until comparing it to the new one. The change has got to feel better on his lips. Though I'm unsure of the height of his palate, he doesn't seem uncomfortable - so I don't think it's too big for his mouth.
So yes, I'm happy with the bit! And that was my criteria for keeping it. I wasn't going to keep it if it was just okay, and he went about the same in it. That wouldn't make sense - as I nearly wiped out my monthly spending money on this thing.
On another, slightly embarrassing note - I have the hardest time getting Gavin to transition from trot to canter. He almost always (95% of the time) runs into the canter. I try to prepare him better, I balance him, I get him feeling more forward, then I say "ready?…", I sit, I ask and kiss at the same time. He always takes between 2-4 strides of fast trot before cantering and before I'm able to think to give him a tap with the whip (tap sounds so much sweeter than spank) my legs are all tensed and curled up and I'm just squeezing the hell out of him and looking like a jockey. I know I need to ask with my legs and then ask with the whip (and not move my legs out of position), but I have a hell of a time remembering. Anyone have any suggestions?
Saturday, November 15, 2014
SFTS Blog Hop: The Horse That Made Me
"If I could just come in, I swear I'll leave - I won't take nothing but a memory"
The blog hop asks an interesting question - excluding your current mount, which horse "made" you. It's an easy answer for me, but a sad one too. Beans made me. Beans not only made me the rider I am today, but he also altered the course of my life (and I'm not being dramatic when I say that).
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My Beanieboy |
Before becoming a dressage school master (shown through fourth level, and schooling more advanced movements), he was a prelim eventer. Eventing was hard on Beans' front legs, and he became unsound. He had both front hooves nerved, and thus wasn't game to jump any longer. And that's about the time he came to me.
I remember the first time I rode Beans. I remember what an absolute pleasure it was. I smiled from ear to ear, and told my mom this was definitely the horse for me. Now -- before you go thinking I was that 16 year old girl who got a pony for Christmas, let me tell you - that's not the case. I was given the horse, but his board and all his other bills went directly to me. Which means I had to get a job. And so I did - I got a job at a local, gourmet pizza place (that I wound up working at off-and-on through college) and paid for my horse habit. Beans taught me how to be responsible and how to work for what I wanted.
He was quite an expense for a 16 year old girl. For every day Beans was sound and healthy to ride, we had three off days. He was off. A LOT. We had his hocks injected, we had chiropractors, acupuncturists, you name it, I tried it. I even called a horse psychic once *smh* What a joke. But, alas, I was young. The only thing that kept him relatively sound were injections of steroids, and weekly physical therapy sessions to keep his butt muscles built up. Beans taught me how to care for something, or someone, besides myself.
As I said earlier, Beans was a schoolmaster. When he was on, he was ON. I learned so much on him and got so far in my knowledge of horses. He was forgiving for the things I didn't know, he'd test me on those I thought I knew, and he'd happily execute anything I really knew. Beans taught me how to really ride a horse.
Beans was also spooky, and one time bolted with me when I was showing him off to my grandma. I wound up still on his back, clinging desperately to his neck and sobbing in front of her. Hahaha - Beans taught me to be humble.
Before I owned Beans, I went out with my friends a lot. We'd spend the night at each others houses and then sneak out to go hang out with guys way older than us. But once I had Beans, I realized that it was more fun to be out at the barn late at night with him. I didn't have to be drunk to enjoy his company. He didn't have hidden motives. It was therapeutic, rather than being the thing to put me in therapy ;) Beans taught me that I didn't need boys (at least human boys) to be happy, something I think many sixteen year old girls need to learn.
Beans was not only unsound quite often, but he also had very serious issues with ulcers and choking. Horses don't vomit, but if you ever see one hacking up crunched up food - they're choking. I studied, I read up on his ailments, I theorized with his vet (god bless that vet for spending so much time with me). I wanted to help Beans. I wanted to help animals. And so, because I suddenly had direction in my life, I went from being a C-D-F student to being a straight A student my junior and senior year so that I could get into college to become a vet. Beans taught me to think about my future and what I wanted from life.
I wound up retiring Beans to a beautiful place with huge pastures after he had a debilitating bought with pigeon fever. When I'd go out to visit him he'd come to me, and I'd pet his beautiful face, and take note of his weight, which as I stated earlier - was never great, even at the best of times. Beans died in that beautiful place a year or so after he was moved there. He was also buried there, which happens to be illegal in Colorado, but I was and am still glad to know that he got to stay in his relaxing home. Beans taught me how to let go, but also how to remember in my heart, which I still do to this day.
Tuesday, November 11, 2014
Love & Horses Blog Hop - Let me see your pets
I've been enjoying seeing everyone else's furry children, so I figured I'd join in on the Love & Horses Blog Hop.
As my blog name suggests - Gavin isn't an only child. I also have a pug!
Meet Fudge.
Believe me when I say I could go on and on about how awesome he is. He hasn't a mean bone in his body, though he does have a few mopey ones. He's always game to play, to cuddle, to console. I adore him. :)
As my blog name suggests - Gavin isn't an only child. I also have a pug!
Meet Fudge.
He loves cuddles in the blanket |
and walks in the park |
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He's handsome and stout |
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A great companion for lazy weekends. |
An opportunist who never passes up a sunny spot in the morning. |
And a wild adventurer |
Sunday, November 9, 2014
Sunday Videos #proudponymamas
Both rides this weekend were awesome. My friend and I set up some cross rails (low by most people's standards, but bigger than anything we've ever done) and took turns jumping them. I had so much fun! Jumping is fun for me, and it gives me purpose to some riding maneuvers that I was lacking. I'm seeing a new path for Gav and I for sure. Without further ado, here is one vid my friend's husband took of Gav and I. Keep in mind - I don't really know what I'm doing jumping wise, just trying to go with him and be kind with my hands. (aka - I really, really want jumping lessons!)
Next video is of my friend Laura and her pony Sterling doing the ole Black Beauty get-on-horse-while-they're-laying-down moves. Pretty cool.
Next video is of my friend Laura and her pony Sterling doing the ole Black Beauty get-on-horse-while-they're-laying-down moves. Pretty cool.
I'm a proud horse owner this weekend, and one that had a lot of fun! Oh yeh - and Cardi won the USDF national championship in the Grand Prix freestyle - so awesome! :)
Wednesday, November 5, 2014
This post is going to be all over the place. Just warning everyone.
The last time I posted, Gavin had just popped another abscess out his left hind. It didn't drain quite as well, or dry up as fast as the previous one, but it went about it's merry way relatively fast. Still not sure what caused them. The farrier thinks he had a laminitis flare up, the vet thinks it was just wet living conditions that did it… One says the hay is significantly richer at the new barn, the other says there is barely a difference - I'm a little bit at a loss.
Since the weekend before last I've been riding again. We started off just walking a lot, then moved up to a little trot, then more trot, and finally canter. He feels good. Maybe even better than he has for a month or two. I'm thinking he was ouchy for longer than I knew about it. Stoic little booger. :)
Everything has been going well with him. I can tell he's out of shape, but the only way to get back in shape is to work it. We've been working on remember what bending means, and increasing speed and then decreasing - just using seat. He really has the slow part down! Almost too well - it knocks me off balance!
Strangely enough (or maybe not strangely, since he just got front shoes?) he's started clipping his front hooves. Simultaneously, I've been obsessing that his loose ring is too small for him. And also obsessing that I no longer want a loose-ring. Queue crazy money spending today - bought a HS aurigan eggbut, and a pair of Professional Choice bell boots. Looking forward to getting those two puppies in the mail!
To pay for my tack habit - I'm selling my olde saddle. It's a 17.5 Wintec Bates Isabell with Cair panels. It's nice, and fits Gav great - I just don't use it anymore. And I don't want to see it go to waste. I'm selling it! So if any of you ladies are looking for what I'm offering - lemme know! $500
The last time I posted, Gavin had just popped another abscess out his left hind. It didn't drain quite as well, or dry up as fast as the previous one, but it went about it's merry way relatively fast. Still not sure what caused them. The farrier thinks he had a laminitis flare up, the vet thinks it was just wet living conditions that did it… One says the hay is significantly richer at the new barn, the other says there is barely a difference - I'm a little bit at a loss.
Since the weekend before last I've been riding again. We started off just walking a lot, then moved up to a little trot, then more trot, and finally canter. He feels good. Maybe even better than he has for a month or two. I'm thinking he was ouchy for longer than I knew about it. Stoic little booger. :)
Everything has been going well with him. I can tell he's out of shape, but the only way to get back in shape is to work it. We've been working on remember what bending means, and increasing speed and then decreasing - just using seat. He really has the slow part down! Almost too well - it knocks me off balance!
Strangely enough (or maybe not strangely, since he just got front shoes?) he's started clipping his front hooves. Simultaneously, I've been obsessing that his loose ring is too small for him. And also obsessing that I no longer want a loose-ring. Queue crazy money spending today - bought a HS aurigan eggbut, and a pair of Professional Choice bell boots. Looking forward to getting those two puppies in the mail!
To pay for my tack habit - I'm selling my olde saddle. It's a 17.5 Wintec Bates Isabell with Cair panels. It's nice, and fits Gav great - I just don't use it anymore. And I don't want to see it go to waste. I'm selling it! So if any of you ladies are looking for what I'm offering - lemme know! $500
Wednesday, October 22, 2014
Voodoo Pony Doll
I went out to see my boy last night. His front, left abscess that broke out the back of his coronary band healed nicely. He spent 5 days on antibiotics and getting his foot soaked once a day for 20 minutes a day. This was my first time soaking his foot and as is Gavin's nature, he didn't care. I adore that attitude in him :)
I went out last night ready to have a light ride - lots of walk, maybe a lap of trot if he felt okay. Immediately I noticed he was walking with a stiff gait, and upon further inspection I noticed his hindleg was now completely stocked up. UGHHHHH! I felt around, but couldn't feel or see anything obvious. Having nothing better to do, I thought standing him in the arena while I videotaped my friend was a good idea (video to post shortly). I hand-walked him for a couple minutes and then looked at his back leg and *currently* attached hoof (who knows, at this point I'm wondering if they're all just going to fall off). It was oozing puss out of little openings again on the back of his coronary band.
I called my vet - thinking that it might be the virus that must not be named in Colorado (VS). He laughed and said that it was likely another abscess and to do exactly what I did with the last one.
I feel bad for Gav, and I'm frustrated (aka having a pity party). I don't know why my boy, who's never had this type of problem, is all of a sudden having issue after issue with his hooves. :( If anyone has experience with this type of thing, please chime in! I'd love to hear any advice, or words of wisdom.
I'm starting to think that someone has a voodoo pony doll of Gavin and they keep sticking him in the foot. And those people need to leave him alone *imagine Chris Crocker "LEAVE BRITNEY ALONE!!!!"*
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Just chilling with mah hoof in a bucket |
I called my vet - thinking that it might be the virus that must not be named in Colorado (VS). He laughed and said that it was likely another abscess and to do exactly what I did with the last one.
I feel bad for Gav, and I'm frustrated (aka having a pity party). I don't know why my boy, who's never had this type of problem, is all of a sudden having issue after issue with his hooves. :( If anyone has experience with this type of thing, please chime in! I'd love to hear any advice, or words of wisdom.
I'm starting to think that someone has a voodoo pony doll of Gavin and they keep sticking him in the foot. And those people need to leave him alone *imagine Chris Crocker "LEAVE BRITNEY ALONE!!!!"*
Tuesday, October 14, 2014
You're Soooo Lame (I bet you think this song is about you)…
So - no secret here. Gavin is once again lame. I've never had this problem with him before. NEVER. It's depressing, confusing, and worrisome.
I went out on Sunday and his front left leg from the knee down was puffed up like the state marshmallow man - just totally stocked up. He seemed totally sound on it so I figured a little exercise might help his circulation/stocked-up-edness (totally a word).
We tacked up and went to the indoor. At the walk he was a good boy. Lots of me asking him to march forward, then stops (squeeze my fingers, brace my back, clench my thighs - sounds sorta sexy…), backing 4 steps, and back to forward. He seemed totally fine and happy to move, so I asked for a trot. He took two steps of trot. It was like I was on a three-legged horse; I thought he was going to fall over. I hopped off and palpated his whole leg. He winced every time I put any pressure on his upper, inside/front cannon bone. I lunged him at the walk for a little while before putting him up.
I immediately put in a call to my vet, and he'll be meeting me out at the barn tomorrow afternoon.
I did go see Gav today, and though he's still really stocked up, the swelling did go down after about 35 minutes of walking. He also seemed less sensitive to me groping around on his leg. I'm wondering if he got kicked? I suppose I'll find out more tomorrow when the vet comes out. Wish me luck.
I keep meaning to write a blog about George Morris. I'm reading his book Hunter Seat Equitation. He's put me in my place a couple times, but he's also reinforced ideas I've had that I've never voiced aloud. It's been a really good read so far, and I'm looking forward to learning more. Every time I go out to see my friend she asks what George has taught me now. :)
I went out on Sunday and his front left leg from the knee down was puffed up like the state marshmallow man - just totally stocked up. He seemed totally sound on it so I figured a little exercise might help his circulation/stocked-up-edness (totally a word).
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Gavin - cankeling it up |
We tacked up and went to the indoor. At the walk he was a good boy. Lots of me asking him to march forward, then stops (squeeze my fingers, brace my back, clench my thighs - sounds sorta sexy…), backing 4 steps, and back to forward. He seemed totally fine and happy to move, so I asked for a trot. He took two steps of trot. It was like I was on a three-legged horse; I thought he was going to fall over. I hopped off and palpated his whole leg. He winced every time I put any pressure on his upper, inside/front cannon bone. I lunged him at the walk for a little while before putting him up.
I immediately put in a call to my vet, and he'll be meeting me out at the barn tomorrow afternoon.
I did go see Gav today, and though he's still really stocked up, the swelling did go down after about 35 minutes of walking. He also seemed less sensitive to me groping around on his leg. I'm wondering if he got kicked? I suppose I'll find out more tomorrow when the vet comes out. Wish me luck.
I keep meaning to write a blog about George Morris. I'm reading his book Hunter Seat Equitation. He's put me in my place a couple times, but he's also reinforced ideas I've had that I've never voiced aloud. It's been a really good read so far, and I'm looking forward to learning more. Every time I go out to see my friend she asks what George has taught me now. :)
Sunday, October 12, 2014
Sad day
I just want to say that my heart goes out to Jodi at Racing to Ride for losing her horse Beefheart. It makes my heart heavy to see any of my fellow horse-lovers lose one of their ponies.
For equestrians a horse isn't just an animal, a pet, or a pastime… our horses are our partners, our pride, and our joy. And to lose one is an awful thing. <3
For equestrians a horse isn't just an animal, a pet, or a pastime… our horses are our partners, our pride, and our joy. And to lose one is an awful thing. <3
Monday, October 6, 2014
Skunk Tail McPonyson Rides Off Into the Sunset
First off - let me say congrats to L for getting to 1000 posts! It's like I'm looking up at a freaking blog giant! Not only does she post consistently, but her posts are consistently good and filled with pictures of coffee (that make me spend too much money!). Check out her blog!
Last February, I told the tale of Mullet Skunk Tail McPonyson. A pony with a tail so abysmal that when he went around trainers would shake their heads, women would snicker quietly to themselves, and children would scream in horror. It was such an atrocious mullet that I was actually asked if I bushed it out on purpose. Haha - yes you dizzy bitch, I cut my horse's tail to look this terrible.
Well. I've been doing what I said in my post about Mullet Skunk Tail. Basically, nothing. I tried not to brush it, or anger it in anyway (I think of that tail as its own living, breathing organism). A gentle dandy-brushing at the base was all it got. During the summer I'd wash it about every five weeks, and at that time I'd brush it out. Throughout the seasons (winter, spring, and summer) it has been covered by some sort of sheet (winter blanket, spring sheet, fly sheet). Yes, my horse has a lot of clothes, but he has terrible allergies, which is why he rubbed his tail out in the first place. He needs to be shielded from all of the elements he's allergic to (everything).
I'm proud to say - it's looking pretty damn good! Here are some before and afters. This is from February to about a week ago. Mind you, it wasn't even at it's worst in February. It just happens to be when I got documentation of the bush.
It's still got quite a bit of growing out to do, to look anything like his brothers and sisters, but I know we can do it! Especially with winter coming up, and thus the end of his allergy season! :)
Skunk Tail McPonyson has been replaced by DappleButt O'TreatLover
Last February, I told the tale of Mullet Skunk Tail McPonyson. A pony with a tail so abysmal that when he went around trainers would shake their heads, women would snicker quietly to themselves, and children would scream in horror. It was such an atrocious mullet that I was actually asked if I bushed it out on purpose. Haha - yes you dizzy bitch, I cut my horse's tail to look this terrible.
Well. I've been doing what I said in my post about Mullet Skunk Tail. Basically, nothing. I tried not to brush it, or anger it in anyway (I think of that tail as its own living, breathing organism). A gentle dandy-brushing at the base was all it got. During the summer I'd wash it about every five weeks, and at that time I'd brush it out. Throughout the seasons (winter, spring, and summer) it has been covered by some sort of sheet (winter blanket, spring sheet, fly sheet). Yes, my horse has a lot of clothes, but he has terrible allergies, which is why he rubbed his tail out in the first place. He needs to be shielded from all of the elements he's allergic to (everything).
I'm proud to say - it's looking pretty damn good! Here are some before and afters. This is from February to about a week ago. Mind you, it wasn't even at it's worst in February. It just happens to be when I got documentation of the bush.
February - Rear view |
February, side view |
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October, Rear View |
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October, Side View |
Skunk Tail McPonyson has been replaced by DappleButt O'TreatLover
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