Wednesday, February 12, 2014

An Irish Penpal

You won't believe it.  Tredstep wrote me back.  I woke up this morning like it was Christmas (which may say something sad about my life) because I thought there may be something from them and ta-da!! There was!  Here is their response:

"Hi Erika,

Thank you for your query.

We’re disappointed that you didn’t seem to find something that fits you. We offer five calf sizes for each foot size which is why we are usually able to fit such a wide variety of riders, I’ve attached the size chart for the Raphael boot did the store measure you and perhaps the best fitting size just wasn’t in stock? The boots are supposed to be fitted very snugly against your leg.

I’m not sure that this will help you but we are launching a Donatello Dress Boot which will be out in March and this may offer more stretch across the back than the Raphael boot would? May I also suggest that if the height is an issue which you seemed to mention in your mail, that each boot is supplied with a set of heel risers which you can insert under the insole until the boot drops, it usually drops approximately 1.5inches.

On another note, you sound very normal height and weight wise, very similar to myself.

Kind regards,


This made me feel such a sense of customer loyalty that I spoke to a SmarkPak (a seller of Tredstep) sales representative today to discuss whether or not the tredstep would work for me.  They suggested I give it a try even though it seems that the calf size that fits me is pretty tall for my leg.  Its possible the boot could drop enough. 

I feel a bit like a drama queen for my initial post, but I really did cry, and I really was upset.  I'm worried that the boots won't fit, but after that well thought-out response I got I figured I ought to give it them a go.

On a different note, the SmarkPak sales rep, Jennifer, was so incredibly helpful and patient.  She spoke with me, and showed me different options for close to 45 minutes (all through chat - mind you).  SmarkPak is sooooo the way to go (over Dover).  No, this isn't a paid advertisement.  But seriously,  they have the same prices as Dover, but great customer service and NO SHIPPING charges!  Booya.  I'll be getting these boots in a week and will be wearing them around the house constantly to hopefully break them in (this is your warning Shawn).  :)  

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